Macaristan Devlet Bursu (Stipendium Hungaricum) Nedir?
Macaristan Devlet Bursu (Stipendium Hungaricum), Macaristan Hükümeti tarafından uluslararası öğrencilerin Macaristan’da yüksek öğrenim görmesini teşvik etmek amacıyla başlatılmıştır. Bu burs, eğitim masraflarını karşılamanın yanı sıra öğrencilere birçok ek imkân sunar.
Macaristan Devlet Bursunun Amacı Nedir?
Macaristan Devlet Bursunun amacı, dünyanın dört bir yanından öğrencileri Macaristan’a çekerek kültürel değişimi sağlamak ve ülkede yüksek öğrenim kalitesini yükseltmektir. Stipendium Hungaricum, öğrencilerin başarılarını destekleyerek, eğitim alanında uzun vadeli uluslararası iş birliklerini teşvik eder.
Macaristan Devlet Bursunun Sağladığı Avantajlar
Burs programı, öğrencilerin eğitim ve yaşam masraflarını karşılayarak onları desteklemektedir. Burs kapsamında sunulan temel avantajlar şunlardır:
- Eğitim Ücreti Karşılanır: Öğrencilerin yıllık eğitim ücretleri karşılanır.
- Konaklama İmkanı: Aylık konaklama desteği sağlanır.
- Sağlık Sigortası: Öğrencilerin sağlık harcamaları, belirli bir limite kadar karşılanır.
- Cep Harçlığı: Öğrenciler, her ay düzenli olarak cep harçlığı alır.
Burs Başvurusunu Kimler Yapabilir?
Bu burs programına lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora seviyelerinde eğitim almak isteyen öğrenciler başvurabilir. Ayrıca sanat ve müzik gibi özel alanlarda eğitim almak isteyen adaylara da özel imkânlar sunulur.
Burs Başvurusu Nasıl Yapılır?
Başvuru süreci, tamamen çevrim içi olarak yapılır. Başvuru yapmak isteyen adayların, başvuru formunu doldurup gerekli belgeleri sisteme yüklemeleri gerekmektedir. Başvurular ücretsizdir ve adaylardan herhangi bir ücret talep edilmez.
Başvuru sırasında sunulması gereken belgeler şunlardır:
- Başvuru Formu: Çevrim içi olarak doldurulmalıdır.
- Motivasyon Yazısı: Adayın hedeflerini ve kariyer planlarını içeren bu yazı, değerlendirmede önemli bir rol oynar.
- Dil Yeterlilik Belgesi: İngilizce veya eğitim alacağı dilde yeterliliğini gösteren belge.
- Diploma ve Transkript: Eğitim geçmişini belgeleyen resmi evraklar.
- Sağlık Raporu: AIDS, Hepatit A, B, C sonuçlarını içeren detaylı bir rapor.
- Pasaport veya Kimlik Fotokopisi
- Burs Kabul Beyannamesi (Statement of Application)
Doktora Başvuruları İçin Ek Belgeler
Doktora başvurusu yapacak adayların ek olarak sunması gereken belgeler:
- Araştırma Planı: Adayın araştırma konusunu ve yöntemlerini detaylandıran bir plan.
- Referans Mektupları: Alanında uzman iki kişinin ıslak imzalı referans mektupları.
Sanat ve Müzik Alanında Başvuranlar İçin Gerekli Belgeler
Sanat ve müzik gibi özel alanlarda eğitim almak isteyen adaylardan aşağıdaki belgeler istenir:
- Portfolyo: Adayın yaptığı çalışmaları içeren dosya.
- Audio Portfolyo: Müzik adayları için ses kayıtları.
Macaristan Devlet Bursu Hangi Alanlarda Eğitim Sunar?
Bu sayfa Macaristan Devlet Bursu ile ilgili bilgilendirme sayfasıdır. Burs başvuruları ile ilgili detaylı bilgiye Stipendium Hungaricum resmi sayfasından ulaşabilirsiniz. Burs programı, mühendislik, tıp, sanat, işletme, sosyal bilimler gibi birçok farklı alanda eğitim alma imkânı sağlar. Adaylar, yetenek ve ilgi alanlarına uygun programlara başvuru yapabilir.
Türkiye’den başvuru yapacak adayların başvuru yapacakları bölümlerin listesi aşağıdaki gibidir;
Study programmes | Study level | Level | Branch of Science | Turkey |
Agricultural Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Agricultural Science | x |
Agricultural Engineering | OTM | one-tier master | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Agricultural Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School in Animal Science | Phd | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Applied Economics | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science, Engineering Science | x |
Architect | MSc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Architectural Engineering | MSc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Architectural Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Architecture | OTM | one-tier master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Architecture | Dla | Doctoral | Arts | X |
Doctoral School in Basic Medicine | PhD | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Biochemical Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Biology | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Biology | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Biological Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Biology and Environmental Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Biology and Sportbiology | PhD | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Business Administration and Management | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School of Business Administration | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Business and Management | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Business Development | MA | Master | Economic Science | x |
Business Informatics | Bsc | Bachelor | Computer Science and Information Technology | x |
Doctoral School of Business Informatics | PhD | Doctoral | Natural Science, Engineering Science | x |
Central European Studies | MA | Master | Arts and Humanities | x |
Chemical Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Chemical Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Chemistry | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Chemistry and Chemical Technology | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science, Engineering Science | x |
Chemistry | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Sciences of Biology, Information and Electrical Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science, Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences | PhD | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Civil Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Clinical Immunology and Allergology | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Clinical Medicine | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Clinical Neurosciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Commerce and Marketing | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Deutschsprachige Ausbildung im Fach für Handel und Marketing | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Communication and Media Science | Ba | Bachelor | Social Science | x |
Computer Science | Bsc | Bachelor | Computer Science and Information Technology | x |
Doctoral School of Computer Science | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Computer Science and Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Computer Science Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Computer Science and Information Technology | x |
Doctoral School of Crop Sciences and Horticulture | Phd | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Dental Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Earth Sciences | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science, Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Earth Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Earth Sciences Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Economic Analysis | MSc | Master | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School in Economics | PhD | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Education | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Electrical Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Electrical Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Electrical Engineering | PhD | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Engineering Management | MSc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Enterprise Theory and Practice | PhD | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Environmental Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Environmental Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Environmental Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Finance and Accounting | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School of Fine Arts | Dla | Doctoral | Arts | x |
Food Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Food Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Forestry and Wildlife Management Sciences | PhD | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Geography | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Geosciences | PhD | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Health Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of History | PhD | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Horticultural Engineering | BSc | Bachelor | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Horticultural Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctor der Theologie | PhD | Doctoral | Religion and Theology | x |
Doctoral School of Theology | PhD | Doctoral | Religion and Theology | x |
Doctoral School of Human Sciences | PhD | Doctoral | Humanities, Social Science | x |
Hydrogeological Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Info-bionics Engineering | MSc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Informatics | PhD | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Information Science and Technology | PhD | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Infrastructural Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Interdisciplinary Medical Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
International Business Economics | Ba | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
International Economy and Business | Ma | Master | Economic Science | x |
International Relations | Ba | Bachelor | Social Science | x |
International Relations | Ma | Master | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of International Relations | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology | PhD | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Legal Studies | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Law | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Law and State Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Linguistics | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Literary Studies | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Literary and Cultural Studies | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Hungarian Language and Literature | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Logistics Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Management and Leadership | MSc | Master | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School in Management Sciences and Business Administration | PhD | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Management and Business | PhD | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Management and Organisation Sciences | PhD | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Marketing | Msc | Master | Economic Science | x |
Master of Business Administration | Msc | Master | Economic Science | X |
Doctoral School of Material Science and Technology | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Materials Sciences and Technologies | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Materials Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mathematics | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Mathematics | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computational Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Mechanical Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Mechanical Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Mechanical Engineering Modelling | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Mechatronical Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Mechatronical Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Medical Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Mental Health Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science, Social Science | x |
Metallurgical Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Military Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Military Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Molecular Cell and Immune Biology | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Molecular Medicine | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science, Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Multidisciplinary Medical Scienses | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Multilingualism Doctoral School | PhD | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Neurosciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Pathological Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Petroleum Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Petroleum Geoengineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Pharmacologycal and Pharmaceutical Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Pharmacy | Phd | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Doctoral School of Philosophy | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Physical Training | BSc | Bachelor | Sport Science | x |
Physics | Bsc | Bachelor | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Physical Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Physics | Phd | Doctoral | Natural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Plant Science | PhD | Doctoral | Agricultural Science | x |
Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language | Non degree | Non degree | Preparatory Course in Hungarian Language | X |
Professional Pilot | BSc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Psychology | Ba | Bachelor | Arts and Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Psychology | Phd | Doctoral | Humanities | x |
Doctoral School of Public Administration | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Public Policy and Management | Msc | Master | Economic Science | x |
Regional and Environmental Economic Studies | Ma | Master | Economic Science | x |
Doctoral School of Regional Development | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Regional Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Regional Sciences and Business Administration | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Sociology | Ba | Bachelor | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Sociology | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Doctoral School of Political Science | Phd | Doctoral | Social Science | x |
Structural Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Supply Chain Management | MSc | Master | Economic Science | x |
Technical Management | Bsc | Bachelor | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Theoretical Medicine | PhD | Doctoral | Medical and Health Science | x |
Timber Industry Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Tourism and Catering | BA | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Gestion Internationaleobjectif | BA | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Tourismus und Gastronomie | BA | Bachelor | Economic Science | x |
Tourism Management | MA | Master | Economic Science | x |
Transportation Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Doctoral School of Transportation and Vehicle Engineering | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Vehicle Engineering | Msc | Master | Engineering Science | x |
Veterinary Medicine | OTM | one-tier master | Agricultural Science | x |
Viticulture and Oenology Engineering | Bsc | Bachelor | Agricultural Science | x |
Wildlife Conservation and Management | Bsc | Bachelor | Agricultural Science | x |
Doctoral School of Wood Sciences and Technologies | Phd | Doctoral | Engineering Science | x |
Macaristan Devlet Bursu, uluslararası öğrenciler için büyük fırsatlar sunan kapsamlı bir burs programıdır. Öğrencilerin eğitim masraflarını karşılarken, aynı zamanda kültürel bir değişim ve Avrupa’nın kalbinde yaşama deneyimi sunar. Macaristan’da eğitim almak isteyenler için bu burs, ekonomik ve eğitimsel anlamda eşsiz bir fırsattır.